What is Automated Data Collection? - Shopfloor Data Collection
May 16, 2022
The importance of collecting and analysing data paved the way for automated shop floor data capture or collection systems. In the past, the word 'automation' was mainly connected to a complex, costly and futuristic way of executing different processes. But now, it is all about managing operations most effectively and reliably and is the need of the hour. Automated data collection is the process of collecting data from a physical system without or minimum human intervention. However, an operator may be there to oversee and interact with the shop floor data collection system but will not directly record the data, making data more accurate and reliable. The question is; What was happening before introducing an automated data capture system? Didn't they gather any data? Organisations did collect data, mainly manually, using the pen-paper method and later to the excel spreadsheet. But both the methods could not scale up as the business grew. Now let us compare the manual, spreadsheet and automated data collection methods.
Manual vs Excel Spreadsheet vs Automated Data Collection

While manually collecting data, insufficient and incomplete data become hindrances in achieving higher productivity and OEE. The three main problems organisations faced while manually collecting data were inaccuracy, untimeliness, and bias. Since decisions are made based on the data analysis, any error in the collected data will have a ripple effect that will have a negative impact on the business. Manual data collection is susceptible to errors and doesn't provide the latest information to make data-driven decisions. Manually managing data can be tedious when dealing with a massive amount of data, and the chances of minor issues going unnoticed are high. Though organisations shifted from paper to the excel/spreadsheet model of collecting data, it doesn't make much difference other than reducing the use of pen and paper. Errors are just one step away while using both paper-based and excel methods.
Why make mistakes and engage in tiring activities when all these can be automated.
"To err is human, but to depend on a digital solution is divine".
An automated data collection system rules out all the problems faced while using the old school method. Why automate data collection software/systems?
Reduce human intervention and errors
Real-time information is right at your fingertips
Handle a large amount of data with much ease.
Data collection systems collect real-time manufacturing/production-related data and offer meaningful insights to make data-driven decisions. The software performs data collection tasks consistently and quickly avoids errors. Benefits of an automated shop floor data capture system include,
Lowered error rates
High-quality data.
Accurate and real-time information
Minimum human intervention
Real-time data analysis
Auto-generated dynamic reports
Improve OEE
Higher productivity
Save time and costs
Increase ROI