Machine Health Monitoring Matrix
Monitor asset conditions to improve performance and utilisation. Get real-time information on maintenance actions and operations. Implement machine health monitoring tools and techniques to effectively track machine health.

Enhance shop floor communication
Ease shop floor communication by improving visibility into your production processes with live machine performance monitoring. Connect specific actions on the shop floor with overall process outcomes and machine performance.
Increase Uptime and Revenue
Properly maintain and calibrate machines for continuous improvement. Increase uptime and revenue by implementing the right machine condition-based monitoring tools and techniques. Monitor specific conditions in machines (such as temperature, vibration etc) and identify changes that indicate a fault.

Janus - The Perfect Industry 4.0 Smart Solution
Transform your shop floor with Janus - Industry 4.0 smart manufacturing solution. Keep a closer eye on operations. Closely monitor equipment and production lines, detect failures, avoid downtime and increase efficiency. Janus is the smart solution for overall asset management, preventive and predictive maintenance, OEE, real-time data analytics and much more.
Start 14 Days Free Trial
Janus gathers real-time production-related data and gives an in-depth analysis. Monitor and analyse overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) and drive continuous improvement.